College IQAC Management System for assessment and accreditation purposes. This software developed by Transfinite Innovative Solutions Pvt Ltd.

Hi, i am working with this company since 2015 and helping people…

Hi, i am working with this company since 2017 and helping people…

Hi, i am working with this company since 2020 and helping people…

Hi, i am working with this company since 2014 and helping people…
IQAC has separate portal and it is controlling authority
IQAC creates and manages academic departments and committees
Teacher portal has upload facility for information of appointment and approval, teaching plan, result, internal assessment, CO-PO mapping for each course, Calculation of CO attainment and PO attainment, Research publications, Conference attendance and presentations, project work of students
Item wise excel sheets as per NAAC DVV templates are generated and downloaded. Reports of activities are downloaded in pdf formats
Librarian will have separate login ID. In library portal separate tabs are available for uploading of Information of Library software, online resources, purchase of books and journals.